Friday 9 July 2010

Life Lesson # 513,768

One thing I've noticed that this job has taught me in just 3 short months:  I am getting really good at adapting to sudden changes of plan with little or no notice, and more importantly, not getting angry about it.  In the past, I would get very worked up when I'd show up somewhere to find that a class had been cancelled or that a friend was going to be an hour late to meet me.  ....Didn't they know how rude it was to leave me hanging?  Didn't they think to tell me when the plans were changed?  What was wrong with them anyway?  I would certainly never do that to someone.

Well, not anymore!  If I still got angry every time my expectations or plans were suddenly flipped, I would spend every freaking day fuming out the ears and frothing at the mouth.  My co-teachers change things on me so unbelievably frequently that it's almost comical.  I seriously just have to chuckle to myself and walk back to my office shaking my head.  If I get nothing else out of this experience, at least I have been able to learn this one life lesson, that it is useless to get angry over other people's lack of consideration and a heck of a lot easier to just roll with it.  Thanks for the personal growth, Korea!  :-P

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the reminder of this, too, Jason~
    Love you
