Wednesday 6 April 2011

The Wedding of Ji Young and Sung Hee

Best wedding photo ever!!!
Who, you may ask, are Ji Young and Sung Hee? I don't really know. All I can tell you is that I was given the opportunity to bear witness to their nuptials this past weekend and it was a pretty neat experience. And no, I am actually not a wedding crasher. My friend Amanda is dating a guy named Mark who teaches an adult English class at a business school on weekends. Two students who met in his class got married this past Sunday; naturally, the entire class was invited. I was having coffee with Amanda on Sunday morning when she spontaneously asked me if I'd like to join her and Mark at the wedding that afternoon. I was uncomfortable at first because I had never met the bride or groom but Mark confirmed that it was fine with the couple if I tagged along. The thing I had to accept very quickly so that I could just get on with it is that weddings in Korea are an entirely different animal compared to weddings in Western countries. They are extremely fast, nowhere near as solemn, and largely uniform in nature. Typically, the bride and groom invite nearly everyone they know even marginally, and due to the nature of Korean wedding hall culture, it is no big deal for randoms like me to end up in attendance. But I'm getting ahead of myself.