Wednesday 4 May 2011


What a weird month. It's now been just over 3 weeks since my final day as an English teacher and the day that I left Haseong behind for good. I haven't missed it once. I'm sure a general longing for certain aspects of Korea will surface eventually, probably after I've settled in for the summer and stopped moving around long enough to process my departure. But Haseong specifically? I will not miss that crappy little village one bit.

My first week back in the land of unemployment was spent in Amy's apartment in Kyungnidan. It was quite refreshing to enjoy my last week in Korea by lounging around Seoul and spending time with friends. I wrapped up loose ends, went to visit the Korean War Memorial Museum, and had an almost-perfect farewell evening out on the town. When the time came to fly out of Incheon Airport, it was a cold rainy day... I didn't look back.

Week two was spent with the parents in Maui. It was awesome to finally see Hawaii and just spend time at the beach getting some actual color on my skin. I don't think I've ever spent so much time underwater... between the submarine ride, snorkeling, and SNUBA, I saw plenty of tropical fish and coral reefs... None could compare, though, to the sight of whales jumping clear out of the water on the boat trip back to Maui from Lanai. Hawaii is a truly beautiful place. It's too bad it is also severely overpriced; I was definitely subject to a bit of general sticker shock going from Korea to probably the most expensive state in the US. I guess I forgot that things at home and in Europe actually cost money. Asia has spoiled me.

On that note, I finally received notification of my financial aid package from the University of Manchester and began the process of applying for the various student loans I'll need to take out in order to pay for school this September. So far, everything has been requested and approved without a hitch so it appears that I'll receive all the money I need for school, which is a huge relief. It really drove home, though, the fact that I am truly out of Asia and embarking on one hell of an expensive year. Life is definitely changing!

After leaving Hawaii and spending a few days in Sacramento with Ashley, Paul, and Indy (I forgot how much I love that dog), I flew to Colorado Springs to spend some time with Dad's family in their new home. I love the house and the surrounding scenery, but Colorado Springs itself isn't to my personal taste, I think. Weather too crazy, society too conservative, way way way too many chains creating a sense that the city is a giant corporate mall. I spent one night in Denver with Lola, and I far prefer Denver, but I'm a city boy through and through so I guess that is the least surprising thing I could ever say. Lola and I had an utterly fantastic time dancing by ourselves at Tracks and had a couple of conversations that helped to remind me just how much more confident and secure I feel now compared to when I left the US for Korea last year. It makes me optimistic about my future.

And about that future... well, I'm not sure how it's going to play out. This summer I expect I'll stay in Redding and work part-time to earn some spending money while trying to learn how to cook and establishing a consistent workout routine. I'm sure I'll have tons of preliminary reading to do for school while also trying to figure out how to cover some big-ticket items like my air ticket to England, my student visa, and a new laptop. Hopefully I'll have plenty of opportunities to see friends on the weekends, but who knows really. I just know I want to enjoy what free time I have this summer as I have been assured that once school starts, my life is going to be insanely busy. It's a summer of transitions. And then a whole new phase in my life. The nomad in me is excited  :)

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